The Real Religion〈真正的宗教〉
The Real Religion〈真正的宗教〉
And Observing The Operations And Mechanisms Of
The Brain.That Is The Direct And Intimate Experiences Of Individual, Not The Reflections Of Any Existing Concepts, Theories, Philosophies, Religions Or Any Knowledge Of Suttras, Bibles, Incantation, Koan, Koran, Etc,.
真正的宗教只是注意觀察頭腦的運作,那是個人直接和私密的體驗.不是任何現存的觀念,理論,哲學,宗教,或是任何佛經,聖經,可蘭經,咒語,公案,等等的投射和反應。 Contact:CCKao E-mail: *****************************************
Buddha Is Not A Vegetarian〈佛陀不吃素〉
69. To impress the other monks and nuns and disrupt the Sangha, Devadatta asked the Buddha to make stricter rules of conduct for the Sangha. He asked that monks not be allowed to sleep in houses or eat any meat. But the Buddha refused Devadatta's proposal. He said: "If some monks prefer to sleep in the open or not eat meat, they are free to do so. But if they do not wish to live this way they do not have to." Finally, the Buddha said: "Devadatta, if you try to break up the Sangha you will reap the evil fruits."
....... Story Of Buddha No.69 69。要打動其他僧侶和尼姑,破壞僧團,提婆達多要求佛陀為僧團作出更嚴格的行為規範。他要求,僧侶不能睡在屋內或吃任何肉類。然而,佛陀拒絕提婆達多的建議。他說:“如果一些僧侶寧願睡在露天或不吃肉,他們可以自由地這樣做。但如果他們不希望這樣的生活方式,他們沒有必要那麼做。”最後,佛陀說:“提婆達多,如果您試圖分裂僧團您將獲得邪惡的果實。” ......佛陀的故事No.69 Contact:CCKao
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