Twitter Tweets - Insufficient Sleep
This Is A Dangerous Misunderstanding. Insufficient Sleep Leads To Mental illness, eg: Bipolar Disorder; And Other Immune system Diseases, eg: Lupus erythematosus...Etc,. @pdparticle “Sleep is a waste of time and unproductive”The title of this post is a quote from a good friend (@louisgray). At first, I thought he was joking when he said this. I mean come on, do you really expect a person to never sleep? Anyways, over the past few weeks I have been observing via our late night facebook conversations, and he’s damn right. First of all, he’s literally awake all the time (no idea how he does it). Second of all, I have realized that sleep really is a waste of time and unproductive. Ever since Louis told me this, I have really re-thought my sleeping habits. Do I sleep? Yes, but probably only 3-4 hours a night compared to the 8-10 hours I was getting before. It is worth it and pays off. I won’t get into the details, but since then I have been able to accomplish so much more during the time I spend awake. It is truly amazing. In conclusion, thank you Louis from converting a sleep lover into a sleep hater. I know this skill is going to come in very handy in the upcoming years of my life.